Data is presented in averages and are subject to change. Our data is from a highly-controlled research environment, mixed-light greenhouse with supplemental heat, CO2 (~800 ppm), VPD±1. Plants are grown with low-touch, minimal labor cultivation techniques. Photosensitive plants may be topped once or twice, depending on variety. Aroma and effects experience feedback is gathered from a limited data set.
All Phylos Production-Ready Seed have been tested under stressful conditions to aggressively screen for herming. Under these conditions, hybrids noted as Stress Tolerant exhibit very high tolerance to herming.
This is a full-season, photosensitive variety. It is a grower favorite as a solid workhorse: consistent, fast-maturing, heavy yielder, requiring a low labor input to finished product.
The round shape and density of the nugs are ideally suited for trim machines, coming out intact and retaining high trichome coverage. Bag appeal is very high with a fantastic A:B ratio; B’s could move as A’s in some markets due to density. Not a lot of mids.
The plants grow symmetrically, in the form of a traditional "indica", with few small branches or little buds. It is suited for high-density planting.
"Used a trim machine - perfect baggable nugs with very little QC at the end other than sugar fan leaves." "We are easily going to get 5 turns out this year and could push it even more."
Check out our Photosensitive Seed Technical Cultivation Guide with specific detail for growing vigorous, productive plants with beautiful, high-quality flower.
For important information and restrictions that apply if you order seeds, please read the Seed Use Terms and Conditions.