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Walter Wonderland

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Developed from autoflower lines, you can expect early season vigor with consistent uniform growth. Walter Wonderland demonstrated strong uniformity especially in growth habit and maturity with little variation. It has an apically-dominant but balanced stature with large, heavy colas, resulting in significantly higher than average yield generally (see stats) and a high percentage of Grade A flower. Colas were dense with good trichome coverage. Very easy trim with primarily evenly-spaced, large fan leafing.

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Product Details

    • Total THC ± 2%

      Total Terpenes ± 1.0%

    Total THC ± 2%

    Total Terpenes ± 1.0%

    Any representations and other informatIon are based on our observations and/or information from other sources. Crop performance depends on the interaction between the genetic potential of the seed, its physiological characteristics, the production system, environment, management, and other uncontrollable factors that may alter expected performance. Statements concerning the reaction of varieties to a specific pathogen, pest stress, and/or production system are based on the evaluation under defined conditions. These reactions can be affected by changes in environmental, production system, and biological factors, especially new pathogen races, pest biotypes, or vectors of disease agents. PROVIDER GIVES NO WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, FOR CROP PERFORMANCE RELATIVE TO THE INFORMATION GIVEN; NOR DOES PROVIDER ACCEPT ANY LIABILITY FOR ANY LOSS, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL THAT MAY ARISE FROM ANY CAUSE. Testing values are from an in-house laboratory that is not ORELAP certified; state compliance testing may still be required. No seeds contain delta-9 THC concentrations of more than 0.3% on a dry weight basis. We do not guarantee the lawfulness of any product offered on this site; buyers are encouraged to research laws and regulations that apply to you. No products are marketed as having any medicinal or therapeutic benefit, unless such claims have been approved by the FDA. By acquiring our product, you are agreeing to our Seed Use Terms & Conditions.